Ampersand-clad A&C staff members joined forces on a warm day this June to celebrate diversity, life, & equality at the Pride Festival and Parade in Downtown Indianapolis. As a reminder of what’s been accomplished, and a push to keep working toward full equality – dozens of staff members donated their time & efforts to support Pride.
Employees volunteered throughout the day to provide festival attendees with vital information about A&C services: Family Medicine, Behavioral Health, Addictions Treatment, Supportive Housing & Employment, and Therapeutic Foster Care.
Festival goers were quick to recognize A&C staff through the massive crowds. Thanking them for their commitments, passion, support & love. “While working the booth at Pride, I had 4 different and unsolicited thank yous from people who came up to our booth. One person went into detail about how A&C changed her life. Another said she had exhausted all resources and connections, and A&C helped her work her way back. It was really validating to hear that the work the agency does and the caring of staff have such an impact.” recalled John Pavlack, A&C Specialist Trainer.
A&C is proud of it’s commitment to serving, advocating, and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community.