Congratulations to Adult & Child foster parents Kenneth and Toni Dotson, who were honored May 13 at the Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis‘ annual Foster Parent Recognition Luncheon! Nominated by our staff for their exemplary history as foster parents, the Dotsons were one of five in the Greater Indianapolis area to receive a ‘Faith, Hope, & Love’ Award as Foster Parents of the Year.
With more than five years of outstanding service, Kenneth and Toni have proven time and again that the best interests of every child in their care is their number one priority. They have fostered children of varying ages, genders, and levels of need, and have made each of them feel at home while helping them flourish in their care. They take the difficult job of fostering very seriously—staying up to date on all required training and paperwork—but have also shown an ability to roll with the punches and to connect with a variety of service providers and A&C staff. Lastly, they both have a great sense of humor!