Child Welfare Services
Child Welfare services provide a variety of clinical and non-clinical services to children, adults and families involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice system.
Licensed to Meet the Needs of Foster Youth
A&C is a Licensed Child Placing Agency (LCPA) that licenses, trains and maintains therapeutic foster homes for child placement as referred by the Department of Child Services or juvenile probation.

Our Child Welfare Services
Therapeutic Foster Care
Licensing Specialists are responsible for completing home studies for new foster homes and for ensuring foster parents complete all required initial and annual training to obtain and maintain licensure. Licensing Specialists also provide ongoing licensing support to foster parents and ensure they are meeting requirements each year to maintain their foster license in good standing.
Home-Based Services
Family Preservation
Family Preservation services are referred by the Department of Child Services for all families who have an Informal Adjustment or an In-Home CHINS. Adult & Child will provide weekly safety checks for families in addition to providing evidence-based services through the Teaching Family Model. Both Child Welfare Specialists and Therapists providing Family Preservation Services have been trained in this model and receive ongoing support and supervision to ensure they are meeting the expectations of the treatment model.