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Spotlight On: The Addictions Team

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Mental illness and addiction are cousins. They’re related. For those who are addicted or dealing with mental illness, they share a similar bone structure and can often trace their lineage back to the same type of pain.

Adult & Child Health knows this and has always offered support to addicted people. However, the opioid crisis hit addictions treatment in Indiana hard. The addictions team at Adult & Child Health was no exception. It forced this service line to make a decision in the face of such a heavy burden: to strengthen or to snap. It chose to strengthen.

How Adult & Child Health is serving those who are addicted

The addictions team rebuilt in 2017. It wanted to rally and meet the community’s significantly increasing needs. Over the last year and-a-half, the addictions team and its leadership partnered to grow and develop the best team and service structure. Adult & Child Health hired nine licensed clinical addictions counselors. It also created a working relationship with every service line that could offer substance abuse assistance.

The opioid crisis has strained the Addictions Team’s efforts from day one. That said, the team’s “passion and dedication to providing the best quality care makes me proud to be a leader within this team,” said Lauran Canady, director of clinic-based services. “The team works daily to navigate, problem-solve, advocate, and support their clients through their addictions journey. I have recently joined the leadership team of this service and have been very impressed by the commitment and passion each and every one of them have for their clients.”

All Adult & Child Health offices have Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselors. They’re also fully integrated into the A&C continuum of care.

RELATED CONTENT: How Blue Triangle, a program in which Adult & Child Health partners, helped a homeless man recover

How addicted clients find Adult & Child Health

Clients enter addictions treatment a few different ways. The Department of Child Services refers addicted clients, or it’s a stipulation for probation. A&C has grown partnerships with probation, Recovery Works and DCS in all communities it’s served over the last two years.

“It is a direct reflection of the work that our clinicians do that we have been able to successfully grow these community partners,” Canady said.

Adult & Child Health services are voluntary and self-referrals are common. A call to the Call Center (1-877-882-5122) or a visit to Open Access can get them on the right track.

“Taking that first step forward in seeking help takes a significant amount of courage and vulnerability for our clients,” Canady said. “We want our clients to know that every time that walk through our doors that making themselves that vulnerable was worth the risk.”

Adult & Child Health also screens people who come through Open Access for mental health or physical health issues for substance abuse disorders. From there, the access screener can refer them to any necessary service.

It’s common for mental illness to spark and feed substance abuse disorder and vice versa. Because of this, it’s important for this team to employ dually licensed clinicians. They often treat the two at the same time as well as teach how these illnesses affect one another.

How does it work?

The level of care will always depend on the client. The addictions team currently has three different tiers of group support. The highest support level is the Intensive Outpatient Program. This group meets three times a week for three hours for up to 16 weeks. This is often in conjunction with Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT), where doctors from Adult & Child Health’s primary care clinics oversee the client’s physical health.

There are many physical side effects from using and withdrawing from substances. Because of this, treating health complications in tandem with other supports makes sense. Part of MAT can also involve receiving Vivitrol treatment. Vivitrol, a brand name for the substance Naltrexone, blocks an opioid high’s effects for up to 30 days.

RELATED CONTENT: Emily is a client of Adult & Child Health’s IOP program

“Over the last year and-a-half, we have been expanding our Medication Assisted Treatment program and are now able to provide it at three of our locations,” Canady said. “This has greatly enhanced the number of clients that we have been able to touch in the communities that we serve.”

All these support layers exemplify the Matrix Model. It signifies the use of multiple support layers and applies multiple strategies and techniques to fully equip people to stay sober.

The group tries to wrap the client in support. So many factors feed substance abuse. The addictions team addresses as many of them as possible, so addicted clients achieve as much success as possible.

Other care levels for addicted clients

The next tier down is the Living in Balance group, which is less intensive. It meets for two hours twice a week. Many DCS referrals feel comfortable here. It’s modeled for someone who functions at a higher level and can fit into a full-time work schedule.

The Brief Intensive group is for people whose substance use is teetering on the verge of disorder. Participants meet two hours one day a week. They learn more about long-term substance abuse complications and how to combat the compulsion early. Motivational interviewing plays a big role in this type of treatment.

Building avoidance skills before physical and mental dependence forms helps participants succeed. Everything the clients learn in each of these groups is evidence-based and considered to be best practice within the industry.

RELATED CONTENT: Learn more about Adult & Child Health’s Community Based Treatment for mental illness.

What each group has in common

Each group includes individual therapy and/or family therapy and skills development sessions. Group treatment has the most success evidence. Individual treatment is also available for those who have social anxiety or who simply aren’t comfortable. The addictions team and Open Access can create tailored treatment plans depending on clients’ circumstances.

This is how Adult & Child Health embodies the idea of a continuum of care. Health care in general, but especially among addicted clients, sticks better when they address all aspects of wellness simultaneously by collaborating professionals.

What’s new about the program

“It is an exciting time to be a part of the addictions team,” Canady said. “We have several areas that we are continuing to grow our services so that we can meet the needs of our clients and community.

The team recently added two Peer Recovery Specialists. Recovery Coaches provide a strength-based approach. The assist the client in connecting with recovery community supports and community resources.

Recovery Coaches build on the client’s strengths, abilities and resources. They also work to decrease or stop substance use, increase the belief that recovery is possible, and increase life skills. Recovery Coaches support the clients’ positive changes and help them overcome any obstacles that might inhibit the positive change.

The Addictions Team partners with Dr. Christine Negendank’s team to expand the medication assisted treatment programs that A&C can provide as an agency.

What the future holds

“We are also looking at expanding our programs to include gender-specific treatment focus and increasing our family involvement in our treatment,” Canady said.

“We continue to grow and foster our partnerships with our community partners probation, DCS, recovery courts, in order to help clients struggling with addiction get the whole health care that they need. These partnerships allow us to educate community partners on the addictions disease and increase through treatment and intensive partnerships the outcomes for recovery.

“Our adolescent program is continuing to be essential to attempt to improve the lives of our adolescent clients early in their stages of addictions,” Canady continued. “We will continue to offer this program, as adolescents are underfocused part of the addictions population.”

RELATED CONTENT: Learn more about Adult & Child Health’s Wraparound Services programs

This group is designed for 14-to 18-year-olds and uses the Matrix Model. This group meets at Adult & Child Health’s 8320 Madison Ave. location for two hours, two days a week. It addresses the full scope of combating addiction. It also focuses on relapse prevention training and developing intervention skills to build coping abilities.

How families can help addicted clients

RELATED CONTENT: Learn more about how Adult & Child Health helps clients with their job search skills.

“The Addictions team aims to be a resource to the agency as a whole,” Canady said. “Addictions needs could potentially touch all services that we provide as an agency, and we want to help improve the quality of care and understanding of addictions no matter where our clients receive services.  We continue to look at education opportunities to expand everyone’s comfort level, but want everyone to remember to please not to hesitate to reach out to our team.”

This is an updated version of an article that originally published Jan. 17, 2018.

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Agency News

Parental Mental Health Tips

Across the behavioral health field, we recognize the importance of offering support to caregivers, whether they sought our help on behalf of their children or for themselves. We also know there are many caregivers who don’t walk through our doors who need and deserve help.  In August, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents and guardians.   “(Caregivers) are navigating traditional hardships of parenting — worrying about money and safety, struggling to get enough sleep — as well as new stressors, including omnipresent screens, a youth mental health crisis and widespread fear about the future,” Dr. Murthy wrote in a New York Times opinion column at the time of the advisory’s release.  When caregivers come to us with these concerns, Brightli’s partners help the full families of the clients we serve to thrive. Whether that’s by providing childcare in recovery services inpatient facilities, connecting caregivers of youths in substance use recovery with family support specialists, offering safe and judgment-free group therapy options tailored to caregivers’ issues or through other avenues, we strive to help. Below, you’ll find tips and support opportunities from our behavioral health experts that can help anyone address some of the key issues presented in the surgeon general’s advisory.  Ways to build community and address loneliness among caregivers  Two-thirds of parents say they don’t talk about their stress for fear of burdening others, according to an American Psychological Association study cited in the advisory. At the same time, parents and guardians – and especially single parents and guardians – experience loneliness at higher rates than other U.S. adults.  Loneliness is a challenge many autism caregivers can experience as they address situations that are new to them, said Seth Allen, a leader in Autism Services at Brightli.   “It is really important for autism caregivers to get connected with supports for their own well-being and self-confidence,” Allen said. His team works to create support groups among clients and to also point clients to groups in the communities he serves.   Intentional connections can benefit any caregiver experiencing loneliness. Here are some ways caregivers can build them:   Building your child’s self-worth can help you build your own  Keylee Tesar, who helped establish a program that strengthens relationships among foster and adoptive parents and their children, said that empowering children to believe in themselves also helps caregivers nurture their own sense of self-worth.   “When we show children love, respect and encouragement, we remind ourselves of our own strength and value,” Tesar said.   The program features an element called “character praise,” in which caregivers highlight and celebrate behaviors they see in their children that they want to flourish. Some examples include:   Character praise not only enhances positive behaviors in children, but also provides immediate rewards for caregivers by activating the brain’s reward system through the release of dopamine and oxytocin. This practice boosts mood and reinforces positive behavior while fostering connection and well-being for caregivers and children. Practicing character praise with the caregivers in your life can provide similar rewards. As the surgeon general’s advisory reminds us, “Caregivers need care, too.”  Practice the six elements of self-care  Amy Hill, a leader in youth learning and development, has worked with caregivers for years to address their stress levels and improve mental well-being. She encourages caregivers to practice these six elements of self-care (with examples included):   As a whole, Hill said, they can help you practice mindfulness and become more aware of thoughts, feelings and the surrounding environment in the moment. Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress, improve mental focus and boost compassion, among its benefits.  It takes a village to care for a child; we want to contribute to yours  Our Be Well team offers a monthly Self-Care Challenge, an activity designed to help you improve your mental health through intentional practices. November’s challenge is tailored to caregivers and offers a Bingo card filled with activities that offer caregivers time to take care of themselves so they can continue to best support our youth. They include items like:   You can access the full November Self-Care Challenge anytime you need it by clicking this link. And you can keep up with the latest Be Well efforts by bookmarking bewellcommunity.org.  It’s OK to seek professional help.  Caregivers are doing the best they can with the information, resources and experiences they have had in their lives. Giving parents a safe and judgement-free space to learn, grow and heal benefits them, their children and the community. That space is available in a therapeutic behavioral health setting. If you need help, please reach out to our professional team to learn about the many options we offer. If you need immediate help in a crisis, it is only a call or text away by dialing the 988 Suicide and Crisis Line.  

Agency News

Veteran’s Day 2024

November 11th became a nationally recognized day to honor and acknowledge the contributions of all living American Veterans in any branch of service when Public Law 380 was approved on June 1, 1954. Since then, communities throughout the United States have celebrated with parades and ceremonies to show gratitude for those who served their country. Veterans take many risks in the line of duty that take can take a toll not only on their physical health, but also their mental well-being. Exposure to high-stress situations, long periods of time away from home, Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and difficulties in adjusting to civilian life after service are just some of the factors that can contribute to poor mental health for veterans. An increasing number of veterans experience anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or substance use disorders, which can sometimes lead to additional difficulties such as poverty or homelessness. Please click here to see statistics provided by the Housing Assistance Council. For over 12 years, Adult & Child Health (A&C) has provided necessary care and resources through the Supported Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program, having served over 400 Hoosier veterans and their families this year alone. The purpose of the SSVF program is to promote housing stability among low-income veteran families who reside in, or are transitioning to, permanent housing. In addition to providing housing assistance, the program provides services that include (but are not limited to) the following: case management, assistance to obtaining other VA services/benefits, financial planning, food resources, transportation, childcare, linkages to primary and mental health care, and outreach. Our SSVF teams serve Marion, Johnson, Boone, Clay, Hamilton, Hancock, Madison, Parke, Tippecanoe, Shelby, Sullivan, Vermillion, and Vigo counties. Please click here for an informational flier that includes program qualifications. In addition to serving Indiana veterans, A&C is proud to have several veterans on staff including Emily Pence and NaTasha Allen who have shared their experiences for a special Veterans Day Employee Spotlight. It is with tremendous gratitude that we honor Emily, NaTasha, and the thousands of others who have served our country. Thank you for your service. Employee Spotlight: Emily Pence I was a member of the United States Army (Hoah!) in April 1989 and ended my service in June 1990. I initially began my service in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP), then went to Fort Jackson in North Carolina (as it was named at the time) for basic training. Afterward, I went to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas to complete my A.I.T., which job-specific training – my Military Occupational Specialty (M.O.S.) was Patriot Missile Crew Member. I served in this role in Ansbach, Germany for my permanent duty station. While stationed in Germany, I personally experienced an event with one of my leaders, memories of which led to my developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). My lived experience as a veteran with a diagnosed mental health disorder has allowed me the unique capability to assist veterans who have gone through similar situations while understanding “veteran talk.” Employee Spotlight: NaTasha Allen I served in the served in the US Army for a total of three years. I entered the military as a Private and later transitioned to a Non-Commission Officer (NCO) with the rank of Sargeant. While stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY, 101st Airborne/Assault Division, I deployed to Iraq during Operation Iraqi/Enduring Freedom and completed two tours in Iraq war zones – Kuwait, Mosul, Q-West, Baghdad, and beyond. My military time taught me strength, courage, and the importance of perseverance despite obstacles. I learned to speak up for myself, to see my worth and value rather than viewing myself as “just a number”. It taught me leadership, compassion, discipline, and the true value friendship. These skills have allowed me to be empathic with Veterans from all walks of life – from Privates to Generals, everyone’s treated with respect and dignity, without judgement of age, race, ethnicity, gender, beliefs.   In my current role at A&C, I have the privilege to meet with Veterans where they are in their journey of healing and recovery to provide support and resources as they work toward adjusting to civilian life.

Sarah Miller, PMHNP-BC

Sarah Miller works with the addictions team, general psychiatry for adolescents and adults, and the competency restoration team. She is board-certified as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Her specialties are working in addictions and with people who experience serious mental illness.

Miller graduated from Indiana University with a psychology degree and went back to school for nursing. She received her nursing degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and worked in a nursing home and also spent time working in a group home with adolescents. She received her master’s degree from Vanderbilt University.

She enjoys hanging out with her family and her two dogs, and going to sporting events.

Joanna Chambers, MD

Dr. Joanna Chambers is a psychiatrist who began seeing Adult & Child Health patients in November 2021. She graduated from Medical College of Georgia with her Doctorate of Medicine in 1996 and completed her residency in psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. In addition to bringing a wealth of experience, she currently serves as an associate professor at Indiana University School of Medicine where she teaches Clinical Psychiatry. She is certified in Addiction Medicine and has a special interest in treating pregnant and postpartum women. She is President of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry Organization as well as a sitting member of many medical association boards. Recently, she has won the Residents’ Award for Teaching Excellence in 2020 from Indiana University and has received “Best Doctors Award” in 2010, 2011, and 2014. Dr. Chambers is incredibly active in the medical, academic, and research realms of medicine. She is currently accepting new patients on Wednesdays.